The School provides admission in Nursery at the age of 3 years. New Admission Forms will be issued from December onwards according to the notified date, only for the prescribed time. New admission procedure ends in the month of January. Admission in Sr. K.G. onwards, in the higher classes will be based on the availability of seats and performance in the Entrance Test.
Pre-Nursery : 2-3 years Date of Birth - Between 1 June 2020 & 31 May 2021
Nursery : 3-4 years Date of Birth - Between 1 June 2019 & 31 May 2020
Jr. KG : 4-5 years Date of Birth - Between 1 June 2018 & 31 May 2019
Sr. KG : 5-6 years Date of Birth - Between 1 June 2017 & 31 May 2018
Class 1 : 6-7 years Date of Birth - Between 1 June 2016 & 31 May 2017
A student who is seeking admission to the school is registered only after the completed admission form is submitted to the school. The school reserves the right to admit students who are found fit for admission. In all matters related to admissions, the management's decision is final. To confirm the admission of a new student the Transfer Certificate from the previous school/Birth Certificate must be produced.
Documents required at the time of Admission
The applicants shall produce the relevant documents in original at the time of verification along with a set of photocopies listed below as and when required by the school.
Medical Fitness certificate.
Birth certificate.
Progress card of previous academic year (Std I onwards).
Previous school’s leaving certificate. (Std II onwards)
Aadhar card
Admission to the school is subject to verification of the documents listed above. The school reserves the right to cancel the admission of a child if at any given time any information or document submitted is found to be wrong/fake/false/incorrect.
Class IX Admission 2024-25
1. Eligibility and Vacancy:
2. Admission Criteria
(a) Registration (Online / Offline): Open
(b) Minimum Age: As per the minimum age mentioned in the table above.
(d) Eligibility: Successful completion of the previous class.
(e) Mode of selection: Class 9 admissions will be based on the
(i) Successful completion of the previous class.
(ii) Result of The Admission Test to be conducted
(iii) Verification of documents of shortlisted candidates.
Class XI
The school offers the following streams:
Science Stream
Commerce Stream
Humanities Stream
1. Eligibility and Vacancy :
Eligibility | Minimum Age |
Successful completion of Class 8 | 13+ |
Eligibility | Minimum Age |
Successful completion of Class 10 | 15+ |
2. Admission Criteria
(a) Registration (Online / Offline): Open
(b) Minimum Age: As per the minimum age mentioned in the table above.
(d) Eligibility: Successful completion of the previous class.
(e) Mode of selection: Class 11 admissions will be based on the
(i) Successful completion of the previous class.
(ii) Result of The Admission Test to be conducted
(iii) Verification of documents of shortlisted candidates.
(f) Documents Required : Pre Board and Board Mark sheet of Class X, Transfer Certificate, Aadhar Card
Until the transfer certificate and other documents are received by the school, the student s admission is considered as provisional.
Parents seeking transfer certificate (T.C.) should give an application on or before 1st February. Applications received after the date will be liable to pay the first quarter fees.
The school fees will be collected in 4 installments.
Parents/Guardians should collect their receipt for any payment made to the School.
Fees must be paid as per the below schedule:
1st Instalment :- 20th March to 31st March
2nd Instalment: 15th June to 30th June
3rd Instalment: 15th September to 30th September
4th Instalment: 15th December to 31st December
Fees can be paid vide MCB app, Cheque, DD or Cash.
Late fee submission will attract fine of Rs.300 per quarter.
Charges for cheque return Rs.500/-
Fee can also be submitted on half yearly or Yearly basis.
The school aims to provide the best infrastructure, resources and teachers to its students. To keep up with the inflation and increase in procurement costs, there might be hike upto 10 to 15% in the school and bus fee every year.
No fees should be sent/entrusted to the school teaching, bus or other staff.
Pupils leaving the school in the middle of the year (after November) will have to pay the fees till March. If the child leaves the school after reopening date, first quarter fees will be charged.
Parents seeking transfer certificate (T.C.) should give an application on or before 1st February. Applications received after the date will be liable to pay the first quarter fees.
The admission fee will be charged in KG, Primary (Std. I), Secondary (Std.IX) and at Higher Secondary (Std. IX) Levels.
Conveyance fee details:
Bus fees will be charged for the entire session.
Bus fees is charged as per the route opted.
Students seeking bus facility will not be allowed to cancel the bus facility once it is availed.
In case of cancellation of the bus facility, the entire year fee will be charged.
Parents/Guardians should provide Parents ID card at the time of fees payment.
All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. House uniform must be worn on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Students need to be well dressed with trimmed nails and no jewellery.
Hairstyle must be neat and conservative, any unnatural colour, streaks and patches of colours are not permitted.
Students must wear blue school sweater during winters.
Girls may wear black short knee-length leggings regularly and black full leggings in winter season.
Students are required to carry a raincoat during monsoon and avoid bringing
Nursery / Jr. K.G. / Sr. K.G. : Monday to Friday 8.45 a.m. to 11.45 a.m.
Grade I -IV : Monday to Friday 8.45 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Grade V - XII : Monday to Saturday 7.35 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
: Holiday on 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.
RECEPTION : 8.30 am to 1.30 pm.
ACCOUNTS : 8.30 am to 1.30 pm.
ADMISSION COUNSELLOR : 1st Dec. onwards.
SCHOOL COUNSELLOR : 2nd Saturday of every month - 8.30 am to 12.00 noon
INTERACTION WITH TEACHERS : 2nd Saturday of every month - 8.30 am to 12.30 pm.
TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT : 9.00 am to 11.30 am.(On all working days)
INTERACTION WITH PRINCIPAL : With prior appointment only.(Timing: 2:00pm to 3:00pm)
NOTE : Parents must adhere to the above timings to avoid inconvenience of any kind. School business will not be transacted on holidays.
It is compulsory for the students to attain 80% attendance in the academic year for being eligible for appearing in the examination.
Students are expected to reach school 5 minutes prior to the reporting time.
Mont to Grade IV – Reporting time 8:40 am
Grade V to XII - Reporting time 7:35 am
A serious action is imperative against any student who misses any class or leaves the school before scheduled time without prior permission.
If a half day leave is required, the student can leave the school premises only with parents. Parents are required to carry their Parent ID Card for such instances.
In case of a sick leave, a formal leave application signed by the parent/guardian, supported by a medical certificate should be submitted. No child who is medically unfit will be allowed to attend the school.
A leave note by the parent, stating the reason for absence, is a must, in case of an unplanned leave.
Repeated absence without leave application or unexplained absence calls for serious action from the school. (Even the name can be struck off the rolls). Re-admission may be granted only on payment of fresh admission fee/at the discretion of the management.
For security reasons, the school will not accept any lunch boxes or other things in between the school hours. The child must bring all the essentials required in school.
Any change in the student’s residential address/contact details must be conveyed to the Administrative office and class teacher immediately to avoid any future inconvenience.
In case of emergency of any kind regarding your ward, the parents would be called upon. Parents co-operation will be highly appreciated with this regards.
A child is the most prized asset for the school as well as for the parent. Parenting is a full time job. The child tries to emulate his parents. So it is the responsibility of the parents to be vigilant because the child is learning from them at all times.
Hence, the parents’ role in making the child what he will be, is immense. To help you work in coordination with the school we wish to apprise you of the school rules. Kindly read them carefully so that the school works along with you to provide the best to the child.
1. Special attention should be paid to child’s personal hygiene, attire, punctuality and ensure that he/she wears the school ID card daily.
2. See that your ward carries books/exercise books according to the time table. No extra books need to be brought to school.
3. See that your ward is prepared for the monthly test/ exams. Keep a tab of his/her report card, teacher’s remarks in his/her class work/home exercise books/almanac and check homework and circulars uploaded on the portal on daily basis.
4. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular
activities and sports.
5. Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her belongings. There should be a name tag on blazers and sweaters. Expensive articles like mobiles, cameras or any other electronic gadget etc. should not be brought to school. Students are also not allowed to wear fancy/expensive jewellery to school. In case of violation of this rule, the articles will be confiscated. Parents will have to collect the article from the school with an undertaking
that such violation will not be repeated.
6. If your ward is absent from school he must complete all the work missed by him/her under the guidance of the concerned teacher.
7. All parents are requested to impart Health Education to their children
and see that they :
a. maintain personal hygiene like : trimming of nails and being neat on
a regular basis.
b. exercise regularly.
c. sleep for at least seven hours daily.
d. have a balanced diet, avoid junk food.
e. drink water which is either boiled or filtered. All students are advised to bring their own water bottles from home.
f. get dental and ophthalmic check-up every year.
8. Students suffering from any of the diseases like Asthma, Epilepsy, Juvenile Diabetes, Rheumatic Heart Diseases, etc, are advised to be under continuous medical supervision of a Specialist Doctor. History of their illness must be filled up in the Almanac along with the treatment being taken.
9. The change of address, telephone number or bus route number should be intimated to the school office immediately.
10. All information related to scholastic and co-scholastic activities is available
on the school website - www.fellowshipschoolvapi.com.
11. Parents / Representatives are required to carry the parents ID card to collect their wards during school hours or for any other transactions.
12. As per CBSE guidelines, the responsibility of preventing any undesirable aspect of bullying and ragging rests on all stake-holders which include the school as well as parents. Encourage your ward to develop a healthy attitude towards the community and the nation.
Students will be issued Green, Blue or Red stamp if found deviating school rules & regulations.
1. Dress Code violation.
2. Chewing Gum in the school premises.
3. Failure to deliver written communication with parents. (Remarks/Circulars)
4. Failure to communicate in English in the campus.
Severe Offences
1. Vulgarity/ Profanity
2. Disruptive behaviour in the school campus.
3. Cheating
4. Fighting/ Unsafe behaviour
5. Damaging/ Defacing school property.
6. Vandalism
7. Forgery of Parent’s signature.
8. Harassment/ threatening/ bullying behaviour towards other students and school personnel.
Our School has a fleet of buses. The students embark and disembark within the school campus under the vigilance of the transport In-charge and the teaching staff. Safety on the road is given paramount importance. An escort teacher and a lady attendant accompanies the students in every bus from the onset and disembarks only after the last child is dropped safely. All the buses are equipped with GPS tracking system and has a medical kit for emergency incidents. In case of a delay due to unforeseen circumstances parents are immediately informed through SMS.
The bus facility once opted for has to be continued throughout the year. The bus facility, in special cases, can be discontinued or changed with prior permission of the school authorities.
All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival of the bus.
The bus will not wait for late comers.
Students should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
No student should come near the entry door of the bus until it has made a complete stop.
All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses. No student should travel standing on the foot-board.
The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the bus in charge. The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all bus commuters and if deemed necessary, is subject to change by the school authority.
When the bus is moving, students must not move around in the bus nor must they expose their heads or arms outside the window.
Students will be held responsible for any damage to buses caused by them.
Discarding of trash or food either inside or outside buses is not permitted.
Unruly behavior like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited.
Courteous behavior is expected at all times.
Students must not distract the driver’s attention.
Any form of indiscipline in the bus will lead to withdrawal of the facility.