Grade | JULY | SEPT | OCT | NOV | DEC | JAN | FEB | MARCH |
KG SECTION | - | - | Half Yearly | - | - | - | - | Final |
I TO VIII | Unit I | - | Half Yearly | - | - | Unit II | - | Final |
IX | Periodic Test I | - | Periodic Test II | - | Periodic Test III | Final | - | |
X | - | - | Periodic Test II | Periodic Test III | 1st Pre-Board | 2nd Pre-Board | Final | Final |
XI | Unit I | - | Half Yearly | - | - | Unit II | Final | - |
XII | - | - | Half Yearly | Unit II | 1st Pre-Board | 2nd Pre-Board | Final | Final |
Academic Year and Student Assessment 2024-25
Classes Nursery, Jr.K.G., Sr.K.G.
The academic year is divided into two terms. There are no formal examinations for these classes. However, evaluation of the child’s progress is done on the basis of day to day performance under the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). These theme-based assessments are carried out in various ways which include written assessments via worksheets and written work done in notebooks/workbooks in school and at home, oral assessments via classroom discussions and interactions, activities, etc.
Evaluation of Grade I to V
Term | Type of Assessment | Weightage in Report card | Month | Marks/ Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Written (30M) | July | 30 marks/ 1 hour | • Written | ||
Unit – I | Notebook (05M) | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity | ||||
Term - I | |||||
Half Yearly | Written (50M) | October | 50 marks/ 3 hours | • Written | |
Notebook (05M) | • Notebooks | ||||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity |
TOTAL(Term – I) = Unit I + Half Yearly = 100 Marks
Term | Type of Assessment | Weightage in Report card | Month | Marks/ Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Unit – II | Written (30M) | January | 30 marks/ 1 hour | • Written | |
Unit – II | Notebook (05M) | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity | ||||
Term - II | |||||
Written (50M) | March | 50 marks/ 3 hours | • Written | ||
Final Exam | Notebook (05M) | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity |
TOTAL(Term – I) = Unit I + Half Yearly = 100 Marks
Note: For promotion to the next class, it is mandatory for student to appear for all the formal assessments and have at least 80% attendance.
The academic year is divided into two terms. Students are evaluated through formal assessments as well as through their day to day performance under the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Four formal assessments are conducted in the academic session, twice during each term:
Notebook maintenance - notebook maintenance will be evaluated based on Regularity, Assignment completion, Neatness and upkeep of notebooks
Subject Enrichment Activities – It comprises of various techniques like ASL/Reading/ Dictation/Debate/ Public Speaking etc. for language and Lab activities / Projects / Map work/ Model making/ Field trips etc. for other subjects.
Co – scholastic
Co – scholastic Activities will be evaluated on a 3 - point grading scale (A to C)
Parameters of Evaluation include: Work Education, Art Education / Music, Health and
Physical Education - Sports & Yoga
Discipline will be evaluated on a 5-point grading scale (A to E) Parameters of Evaluation include : Attendance, Sincerity, Behavior, Values
Evaluation of Grade VI to VIII
Term | Type of Assessment | Weightage in Report card | Month | Marks/ Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Term - I | Unit – I | Written (10M) | July | 30 marks/ | • Written |
Notebook (05M) | 1 hour | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity | ||||
Half Yearly | Written (80M) | October | 80 marks/ | • Written | |
Notebook (05M) | 3 hours | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity | ||||
Term - II | Unit – II | Written (10M) | January | 30 marks/ | Written |
Notebook (05M) | 1 hour | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity | ||||
Final Exam | Written (80M) | March | 80 marks/ | Written | |
Notebook (05M) | 3 hours | • Notebooks | |||
Subject Activity (05M) | • Subject Activity |
Term I -> Unit I (written) = 10 MARKS
Half Yearly (written) = 80 MARKS
Notebook (Avg. of unit I & Half Yearly) = 05 MARKS
Subject Activity (Avg. of Unit I & Half Yearly) = 05 MARKS
TOTAL…………………………………………………………. =100 MARKS
Term II -> Unit II (written) = 10 MARKS
Final Exam (written) = 80 MARKS
Notebook (Avg. of unit II & Final Exam) = 05 MARKS
Subject Activity (Avg. of Unit I & Half Yearly) = 05 MARKS
TOTAL…………………………………………………………. =100 MARKS
NOTE: The academic year is divided into two terms. Students are evaluated through formal assessments as well as through their day to day performance under the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE). Four formal assessments are conducted in the academic session, twice during each term.
PROMOTION CRITERIA: Results will be prepared on the basis or rules framed by CBSE. However, less than 80% attendance and inability to cope with the syllabus resulting in low grade in assessments may result detention in the same class, after the mutual consent of parents and school authorities. It is mandatory for every student to appear in all assessments prescribed by School for the particular class.
Notebook maintenance - notebook maintenance will be evaluated based on Regularity, Assignment completion, Neatness and upkeep of notebooks
Subject Enrichment Activities – It comprises of various techniques like ASL/Reading/ Dictation/Debate/ Public Speaking etc. for language and Lab activities / Projects / Map work/ Model making/ Field trips etc. for other subjects.
Co – scholastic
Co – scholastic Activities will be evaluated on a 3 - point grading scale (A to C)
Parameters of Evaluation include: Work Education, Art Education / Music, Health
and Physical Education - Sports & Yoga
Discipline will be evaluated on a 5-point grading scale (A to E)
Parameters of Evaluation include: Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values
Evaluation of Grade IX
Type of Assessment | Month | Marks/ Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Periodic Test – I (PT1) | July | 50 marks/ 2 hour | • Written (PT1, PT2, PT3)
Periodic Test – II (PT2) | October | 80 marks/ 3 hours | • Portfolio |
Periodic Test – III (PT3) | January | 80 marks/ 3 hours | • Subject Activity |
Final Exam | February | 80 marks/ 3 hours | • Written |
TOTAL(Final Exam) = [Written(Avg. of Best of 2 test PT1, PT2 & PT3(5M) +
Multiple Assessment(5M) + Portfolio (5M) + Subject
Activity (5M) + Written (80M) = 100 Marks
Evaluation of Grade X
Type of Assessment | Month | Marks/ Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Periodic Test – I (PT1) | July | 50 marks/ 2 hour | • Written (PT1, PT2, PT3) |
Periodic Test – II (PT2) | October | 80 marks/ 3 hours | • Portfolio |
Periodic Test – III (PT3) | November | 50 marks/ 2 hours | • Subject Activity |
Pre-Board - I | December | 80 marks/ 3 hours | - |
Pre-Board - II | January | 80 marks/ 3 hours | - |
Final Exam (FE) (BOARD) | February/ March | 80 marks/ 3 hours | • Written |
TOTAL(Board Exam) = [Written(Avg. of Best of 2 test PT1, PT2 & PT3(5M) +
Multiple Assessment(5M) + Portfolio (5M) + Subject
Activity (5M) + Written(Board Exam (80M)) = 100Marks
It is mandatory to appear for all the Exams to qualify for the next class.
The students need to obtain 33% marks separately in the Theory paper and 33% marks Internal Assessment component to pass the Examination.
It is mandatory for student to have at least 80% attendance to appear for Final Examination.
Periodic Test (5 marks) – Pen Paper Test
Multiple Assessment (5 marks) – Quizzes, Oral test, concept map, exit cards, visual expression, etc.)
Portfolio (5 marks) – Classwork plus, peer assessment, self-assessment, achievements of student in the subject, reflections, narrations, journals, etc.)
Subject Enrichment Activities (5 marks) – It comprises of various techniques like ASL/Reading/ Dictation/Debate/ Public Speaking etc. for language and Lab activities / Projects / Map work/ Model making/ Field trips etc. for other subjects.
Co – scholastic
Co – scholastic Activities will be evaluated on a 5 - point grading scale (A to E) Parameters of Evaluation include : Work Education, Art Education / Music, Health and Physical Education - Sports & Yoga
Discipline will be evaluated on a 5-point grading scale (A to E) Parameters of Evaluation include : Attendance, Sincerity, Behavior, Values
Evaluation of Grade XI
Title | Type of Assessment | Month | Marks/Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Unit - I
(U1) | July | 50 Marks/ 2 Hours | Written | |
Term - I | Half Yearly (HY) | October | 70/80 Marks(Theory) 30/20 Marks (Practical) 3 Hours | Written Practical/ Projects |
Unit - II
(U2) | January | 80 Marks/ 3 Hours | Written | |
Term - II | Final Exam
(FE) | March | 70/80 Marks(Theory) 30/20 Marks (Practical) 3 Hours | Written Practical/ Projects |
Evaluation of Grade XII
Type of Assessment | Month | Marks/Duration of written assessment | Components of Assessment |
Unit - I (U1) | July | 50 Marks/ 2 Hours | Written |
Half Yearly (HY) | October | 70/80 Marks(Theory) 30/20 marks (Practical) 3 Hours | Written Practical/ Projects |
Unit - II (U2) | November | 50 Marks/ 2 Hours | Written |
Pre -Board -I | December | 70 / 80 Marks/ 3 Hours | - |
Pre -Board -II | January | 70 / 80 Marks/ 3 Hours | - |
Final Exam (FE) | February/ March | 70/80 Marks(Theory) 30/20 marks (Practical) 3 Hours | Written Practical/ Projects |
It is mandatory to appear for all the exams to qualify for the next class (Grade XI). The students need to obtain33%marks separately in the Theory paper and 33% marks Internal/ Projects/ Practical's component to pass the Examination.
It is mandatory for student to have at least 80% attendance to appear for Final Examination..
Internal assessment - It is of 30/ 20 marks and students need to secure minimum 33% out of 30/ 20 marks. It will be based on Timely submission of the projects, Viva, Lab activities and discipline.
Co – scholastic
Co–scholastic Activities will be evaluated on a 5 point grading scale (A to E)
Parameters of Evaluation include: General Studies, Work Education, Health and Physical Education. -
Discipline will be evaluated on a 5-point grading scale (A to E)
Parameters of Evaluation include : Attendance, Sincerity, Behaviour, Values.